Before the test we first talk about interesting things I discovered recently. Whether you're new and old drivers, the car will be useful at times embarrassing time.
For example, when there is then a parking side parking is not quite let you go in life and death, the horn sounded after the rear foot throttle to give up. As well as when you started driving there will always be one or two forget release the handbrake, until the alarm will find that thought.
Of course, I sometimes start after parking also often forget to put the handbrake ... until you hear the alarm did not realize. I regretted not choose a car with automatic parking function.
Here to talk about suffering from obsessive-compulsive disorder in which the owners have done interesting things
1, after locking the door pull the car backwards and forwards
Most drivers locked in to see if the car will lock down the door after subconsciously, supposedly this is a good habit. But some owners pulled backwards and forwards several times will be assured, the more serious will come back out after several hundred meters in pull final confirmation was assured.
But this is really toss it not a bad thing, more than confirm but also to ensure the safety of their property, on the television news often evolve theft ring will let owners of remote electronic jammers failure, thus theft car property.
2, until the lights go off before
Now most of the car stalled, the case also locked the door of the headlights still lit, probably lit more than twenty seconds will automatically turn off, it makes compulsive owners very upset every time until the last headlights off He will be away from the car after a good confirmation.
That delay was extinguished lights Why, this justified? Most models now have a headlight delay shutting down the system, the system comes from European countries, when the owner of a large flame lantern off delay is off, is to illuminate the road in front of the owner, the owner easy to see the road conditions so as not to bump, not Do not say this small detail is very intimate.
3, turn off the sound in-situ inspection
Novice drivers get off after the flame will sometimes find the car they heard a voice, will stop looking around for the source of the sound, it will not be found when re-started the car and see in the end is where the problem is.
In fact, when we have the engine turn off the sound is normal, it is possible that a vortex of sound, or exhaust fan, so you will have the illusion engine still working, general electronic fan still working is because the engine water temperature at the flame also not come down, so fans will have to continue to work a radiator cooling water tank, but this is not the vast majority of cars have this feature.
Well Everyone is invited to leave a message what other obsessive compulsive behavior?