Farewell rear-end approach

Lives have met rear-end accident on the road has been very common, and sometimes a little distracted on the front of the car will be the pro, the question whether the old and new drivers may encounter, then how to prevent rear-end of it? On the one hand we have to do to keep a safe distance from the vehicle in front, not speeding, but in addition to these we also need to have some of the following driving knowledge!

Keep your distance

This is the most basic attempt hit the road on the first day of countless people driving caution must ensure that distance, which is the key to prevent rear-end, if you encounter bad weather vision should increase the distance between vehicles.

1, not with taxi

Do not follow the taxi traveling behind, especially empty taxi, because rentals are subject to master in order to work the brakes lane change, it is easy rear-end if you followed.

2, not with the outside of the vehicle Fu

Many foreign drivers to the new city on the road are not familiar, especially to the exit or entrance temporarily when changing lanes or turning, if also very easy with the car rear-end close.

3, not with trucks and buses

Due to the large volume of large vehicles, it will block the driver's line of sight back to live, on the one hand will result in the driver's psychological disturbance, and once in front of a sudden can not see the car is likely to cause accidents. But also cause traffic light intersection through a red light phenomenon.

4, do not follow the speeding

I believe we have seen the speed and passion, speeding car back and forth to change lanes in traffic, the flash left to right, and at any time to take emergency brake, with the car in the back can easily lead to rear-end collision.

5, not with novice drivers

General novice drivers on the road behind the car will be new to affix signs or practice, their car engine is not very skilled, change lanes stiff, and often the brakes, followed also likely to cause rear-end collision.

6, met intersection Fangmanchesu

Generally when approaching the intersection, especially in the case of small lights in front of the remaining time, if the speed with the car in front to take the brakes once the waiting, then it is easy rear-end collision.

Turn left red light, you can turn around?