Drunk driving arrested, what can we do?

During the November holiday, I believe many people will choose with long lost friend to sit down and chat, drink alcohol, but there are many owners after the end of the gathering will be to drive drunk driving, this is very dangerous and, during November, the traffic police patrol will be strengthened, once drunk driving checked, is likely to be detained, and today I do not talk about the dangers of drunk driving, because many owners know are a few, today to talk with you, drunk driving a few days in detention in there are doing it?

In detention mainly to do these things below

1, while in detention to be legal, moral, and cultural learning, including collective self-education and self-study, then in some detention conditions are relatively good library or museum journals, can borrow books point of view, then that is the collective education It will organize learning legal knowledge together.

2, and other places of detention to join the Friends of the detention facility hygiene clean-up;

3, every day is think about life, and get up and do morning exercises in the morning;

4, obey police arrangements, in simple manual labor;

5, of course, there is time to test the waters of entertainment, which is the freedom to organize time, you can watch TV or sports.

Drunk driving car owners have experienced detention, he said: really suffering! The owner said that detention detention center there than prison life is better. The items inside have at public expense but also at their own expense, the expense of things like some certainty, at public expense quilt dirty and broken, and publicly funded food is basically bread and cabbage soup, but also enough to eat. But there are also food at their own expense, at their own expense food more delicious, but expensive. And the phone will not let the band go, except at their own expense and room and board at public expense is that the above would be better, but other things are gone.

Schedule is get up at 6 in the morning to 9:00 at night to sleep, around 12:00 for lunch and rest, most of the rest of the time watching videos accident, or just go out to work. Free time is relatively small. Although life is very regular, but the feeling is still suffering. And only contact with the outside world is the weekend will be able to watch a television. Fight what happened is still relatively small, but relatively poor environment, some people can not buy toiletries, who is smelly, but also snoring sleep at night, might as well sleep park.

Go off of people that do not want to go in a second time. So I suggest that owners while driving or pay attention to a little, do not drive drunk driving!

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